Referrals and enquiries

  • Enquiries and referrals come from education, CAMHS and social care professionals. Children are often referred from multi-agency panels.
  • We accept referrals with a referral letter. This is often accompanied by an Education Health and Care Plan. However, for the referral to be processed we ask referrers to complete a Gloucester House referral form (appendix 1) and would need to know that funding (in principle) has been agreed.
  • Some professionals and families visit at the enquiry stage to establish whether Gloucester House is an appropriate place for their child.
  • Once a referral has been agreed an assessing pair will be allocated. This pair of Gloucester House professionals will organise a series of meetings with the family as well as with relevant professionals. If all parties agree that Gloucester House would be a helpful placement, a start date and staggered integration is agreed. At the professionals meeting, the plan for the initial assessment period will be outlined and the future hopes from the network and the family explored.
  • During this initial period (usually 6-10 weeks) formal and informal academic and clinical assessments will be undertaken. This will conclude in a formulation and proposed treatment and education plan.

Planning, length of stay and discharge

  • Gloucester House can be a shorter or longer term placement for children and young people. The needs of the child and his/her family are kept under review with the network – on a regular basis- and decisions are made in the best interest of the child and his/her family in partnership with the family and the network. Children leave Gloucester House when they are ready to take the next step, and when it is clear where they are moving on to.
  • The involvement of the outside network in this process is sought from the first stages of any referral. This is formalised through regular review meetings to which the child’s parents/carers and members of the professional network are invited. These are held termly or six monthly and include the annual review of the EHCP. Comprehensive written reports provide an update on an individual child’s progress and set out recommendations for future directions of treatment and provision.
  • The child’s parent/carers and members of the professional network are invited to regular review meetings to make decisions about the child’s future. An annual review of the EHCP is included in these meetings. Comprehensive written reports provide updates on an individual child’s progress and set out recommendations for future treatment.
  • We help with the transition from Gloucester House to new placements through liaison with the next providers of education and healthcare. We are instrumental and proactive in how we support and guide the transition out of Gloucester House as it is always a big step. Supporting the transition may include direct support in the new placement, support to key strategic professionals in education, health and social care and support to the child and family.
  • We can offer a follow-up service where specific aspects of the package (e.g. therapy) can continue after the child/young person has left Gloucester House.

Pre-Admission and admission task/document checklist

Task / document nameRemarksPerson responsible / Completed by
Pre-admission précis  Case presentation (History – precipitating, perpetuating, pre-disposing and protective factors) for whole team and providing a short written Pen Picture and verbal presentation in WTM – to include areas of strength, risk assessment and PHP based on information gathered to date.Assessing pair
Named Service User Agreement and covering letter  For children from Local Authorities not covered under Service Level Agreements (SLA). Y:\ADMISSIONS and CONTRACTS\Admissions and contract documents\Documents to be sent to referrers and commissioners\Named Service User Agreements For children covered under Local Authority SLA, confirmation of placement under SLA needs be confirmed with referrer (evidence in writing).Admin Manager / Funding organisation(s)
Commissioning Professionals’ Admission ContractTerms of payment and names / department to be invoiced.  Admin Manager/ Funding organisation(s)
Transport Funding agreements & Timetable for IntegrationConfirmation of funding from LA, entry timetable for child to be sent to transport provider.Admin Manager / Local Authority / Transport Provider
During admission process and meetings
Liaison with Professional NetworkTo clarify the professional network, gather all relevant information to inform assessment and clarify roles and responsibilities moving forwardAssessing Pair
The Child & Families Journey at GHCase Coordinator to talk through initial assessment period and beyond. Potential outcomes and time scales relating to integrated Care Planning (options and alternatives to be collaboratively discussed including potential ‘side effects’. Clarity around when decisions will be made and by whomCase Coordinator
Parent/Carers’ Admission Forms Parent/Carer Handbook (including information on Safeguarding and Parent Rep)Admission Contract for Parents and CarersCase Co-ordinators’ Admission Form Parent/Carer acceptable use of ICT policy Child’s Agreement of ICT acceptable use policyLA Transport Information Contact (inc emergency)  details, GP details including allergies/medication, SaLT/OT consent, consent for visits/parental consent for information sharing / info for parents including Parent/Carer Handbook Y:\ADMISSIONS and CONTRACTS\Admissions and contract documentsCase Co-ordinator/ Admin Manager
Parent/Carers signed agreement of understanding and consent of T&C/Unit’s way of working.Case Co-ordinator
Details of parents/carers including  parental responsibility, significant others, who can be contacted in respect of any correspondence and or informationCase Co-ordinator
Confirmation that online safety Rules have been understood and agreed by parent/carers  Case Co-ordinator
Confirmation that online safety Rules have been understood and agreed by pupilsCase Co-ordinator
SaLT & OT Consent FormsCase Co-ordinator
Contact details for any changes/cancellation of transport
Task / Document NameRemarksPerson Responsible / Completed by
During admission process and meetings
Outcome Measures SDQ’s Parent/CarerChild (if 11 or over)Class Teacher CGASFor completion prior to Initial Assessment period. Kept on file and copy passed to School Admin for  entry onto Care Notes and Outcome Monitoring Y:\ADMINISTRATION\ADMIN LK-JK 2015-16\ADMIN FORMS 2016-2017       Class Team and Case Coordinator to complete within Initial Assessment periodCase Co-ordinator/Class Team/Class Teacher/Admin Manager
Team Teach/Behaviour ProceduresExplanation of Unit’s Team-Teach method of working (GH’s Behaviour Policy)Case Coordinator/Teaching Staff
Educational BriefingHomework/targets and GH’s approach to teaching and learning (Curriculum & Learning & Teaching Policies)Case Coordinator/Teaching Staff
Positive Handling Plan (PHP’s)Team-Teach and completion of a child PHP’sTeaching Staff/Case Coordinator, Head Teacher & Parent/Carer