As a school we are proud of how we prepare our pupils for progression beyond Gloucester House. We do this through a well thought out programme designed specifically to meet the needs of our pupils. As a school our focus is on preparing our children for their next Education placement but through our careers work want to prepare them for the world of work and to have aspirations to specific careers or areas of work, to see themselves as ‘workers’. We believe that the children seeing themselves as workers is an important step, so we try to instil that idea and expose them to the range and variety of different opportunities that might exist. We believe that having an aspiration towards a particular career goal can be a strong motivator for many children, especially in KS3 and going into KS4. We also work with other educational institutions to give different experiences. Throughout their time here we encourage pupils to take on jobs within the school including specific roles in class, co-chairing meetings and keeping minutes. We also use a token economy as part of our reward system meaning they have to engage with getting the money into their bank books and budgeting for what they want from the shop including the choices between immediate and delayed gratification
The Careers programmes develop our pupils’ skills and knowledge including:
- aspiration
- appearance – dress for formal environments
- interaction with professional adults
- business etiquette skills appropriate for all work environments
- knowledge of the world of work and further and higher education
- self-marketing skills
- Financial awareness / management
- resilience and grit
A young person’s career is their pathway through learning and work. All young people need a planned programme of activities to help them make decisions and plan their careers, both in school and after they leave. The 1997 Education Act places a duty on schools to give pupils impartial careers education in transition years.
The school is committed to providing its programme of careers education, for all pupils appropriate to their age / level. We seek careers support from the referring authority in addition to our input for children who have their transition review of their Statement or EHCP in the year that they turn 14 years old. A member of the senior leadership team has overall responsibility for Careers Education.
This policy will be reviewed every two academic years through discussions with teaching and support staff, parents and children. All evaluations completed with both staff and pupils feed into the re-development of the overall CEIAG planned programme for each key stage. The careers education programme is developed in collaboration with the curriculum lead and KS3 Lifeskills lead.
Links to other polices
This policy is underpinned by the school’s policies for teaching, learning and assessment, PSHE and citizenship; health and safety and special needs.
Needs of pupils
The Careers program is designed to meet the needs of pupils at this school. It is differentiated to ensure progression through activities that are appropriate to pupils’ age / level and Individual Special Educational Needs. The programme promotes equality of opportunity, inclusion and anti-racism.
Pupils are entitled to:
- careers and work related activities and opportunities
- up to date information, advice and guidance that is impartial and confidential
- access to a wide range of professionals from the world of work
We look at stages of development in line with those set out in the CDI framework. The activities devised for each stage derive from these entitlements.
Stage 1
- I will be able to describe myself, my strengths, and preferences
- I will be able to tell positive stories about my wellbeing, my progression and achievements
- I will be able to talk about the jobs that different people I know do
- I will aware of a range of different jobs and may be able to talk about areas I would be interested in
Stage 2
- I will be able to explain how I have benefited as a learner from careers, and enterprise activities / experiences
- I can identify different types of work and why people’s satisfaction with their working lives can change
- I will recognise the qualities and skills that can make someone employable
- I will know how to look at the choices and opportunities open to me when I reach a decision
Stage 3
I will be able to describe the organisation and structure of different types of businesses
- I will be able to explain how I have benefited as a learner from careers, employability and enterprise activities / experiences
- I will identify and make the most of the of support around me, including how to use careers information, advice and guidance and know the difference between being objective and bias
- I will know how to look at the choices and opportunities open to me when I reach a decision
- I will show that I am able to engage with the decisions / opportunities at transition points in my life
The curriculum lead is responsible for overseeing the planned careers programme/SOW. However all staff in the school have elements of careers education within their roles. The Curriculum lead is responsible to the Deputy Head Teacher who has responsibility for careers.
Access Statement (Baker Clause Informed)
This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.
Pupil entitlement
All pupils in years 8-11 are entitled:
- to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point;
- to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events ( adapted as necessary to the individual needs of the young people in the school)
- to understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses, and have assistance with this.
Management of provider access requests Procedure:
A provider wishing to request access should contact Shanaz Hussain, Deputy Head and SENDco.
Opportunities for access:
A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to pupils and/or their parents/carers.
Pupils will have opportunities to visit prospective colleges or training providers with a member of staff and/or parent/carer.
Pupils will have access to the ASDAN programme, which covers topic areas designed to ensure our pupils are ready for the next stage of their education and the world of work, such as: Self-development ,career exploration, career management, considering higher education, considering apprenticeships, preparing for the workplace and being at work.
All staff are expected to contribute to the careers programme through their roles. Careers education is planned, monitored and evaluated by the Curriculum lead in consultation with relevant staff.
The careers program includes units of study on Careers / the world of work, Money and Finance and Enterprise. We have Careers days where people from different working backgrounds come and talk about what they do and why they like it. KS3 Pupils have a specific program of Study around Lifeskills, which is the vehicle for some of the careers provision and supportive of all of it. All of the programmes teach pupils much needed skills and open up the word of possibilities for when they leave education and enter the world of work.