Leadership and management
To ensure equalities are considered and that staff and pupils feel that difference is something to be proud of and that all pupils achieve in line with their own abilities
- To ensure staff, pupils & parents/carers have access to a rich & diverse & celebration of culture at GH & a good understanding of & respect for difference – e.g. through activities such as global cooking.
- Policy consultation with staff, pupils & parents.
- Training for staff as indicated.
- Equalities focus in the Staff Consultation sessions and any actions/change in practice following this.
- Curriculum audit and development to ensure a rich, diverse anti-racist offer. Include children, staff, parents/carers in this process including in Anti Bullying work/ RSE in the school.
- HT attending White Allies training to develop antiracist practice effectively in self and into the practice of GH & in the Trust more broadly.
- EO goals, equalities statement and Anti-Racist pledge to be coconstructed with staff, pupils and parents/carers and posted onto the website.
- Sessions on equality and difference within staff meeting schedule to include questionnaire on identity as a starting point for be collated & shared so needs of different can be catered for.
- Some staff to attend Tavistock RENAG (Race Equality Network Allies Group).
- EDI rep (at least) to attend Equalities Committee Discussion and collaboration.
- Demographic audit of staff and pupils to evaluate potential areas for development.
Success criteria
- Staff, pupils & parents/carers report that difference is recognized and celebrated in Gloucester House.
- Clear recording & reporting of prejudiced based incidents and follow up of these.
Curriculum mapping
To ensure curriculum meets needs of current cohort
- Ensuring monitoring of the curriculum for equalities and inclusivity
- Ensuring the curriculum is further developed to be proactively anti-racist – particularly when considering content & delivery in relation to humanities topics
- Ensuring curriculum demonstrates and evidences preparation for life, Basic skills & competencies
Success criteria
- Curriculum maps and plans reflect a diverse and inclusive curriculum
- Evidence in pupils’ work reflects a diverse and inclusive curriculum
To improve children’s social skills, sense of ownership & self responsibility
- Reinstating groups/committees – considering committees to include parents, staff, steering group & children
- Reinstating community meeting
- Establishing an equalities committee
- Reinstating SMSC focused circle times
- A focus on equalities – understanding difference and the protected characteristics and challenging prejudice – in RSE lessons
Success criteria
- Committees to have influenced policy and practice development
- Pupils feeling listened to, actively involved & responsible for the culture & ethos in Gloucester House
- Staff modelling and pupils taking a proactive role in challenging prejudice