This policy is currently under final review by our Steering Committee (Autumn 2024) – key changes relate to a change in First Aiders and the addition of an appendix.
Gloucester House ensures that there is adequate first aid provision for persons/patients who during the working day become ill or are injured.
Gloucester House provides sufficient numbers of first aiders to deal with accidents and injuries occurring at the Gloucester House.
First aiders
Responsibilities of first aiders
All appointed first aiders have the following responsibilities to:-
- First Aid Practice
- Be readily available.
- Follow the principles and practices as laid down by the first aid course and manuals.
- Comply with the aims of first aid:
- To preserve life.
- To prevent the condition worsening.
- To promote recovery.
- Quickly and accurately assess the situation.
- Identify the disease or condition from which the casualty is suffering; but not to treat any illness or injury which is beyond your capability.
- Give immediate, appropriate and adequate treatment, bearing in mind that a casualty may have more than one injury and that some casualties will require more urgent attention than others.
- Arrange, without delay, for the transfer of a casualty (should it be required) to their GP, Hospital, Accident and Emergency Unit or home, according to the seriousness of the condition (link with Head teacher).
- Stay with the casualty until they are handed over to the care of a Doctor, Paramedic, the Hospital Accident Emergency Unit or other appropriate person.
- Not to ignore accidents or illness under any circumstances, or to refuse to give treatment and assistance if required to do so.
- Not to undress any patient unnecessarily.
- Safeguard the patient’s clothing and possessions.
- Respect the patient’s confidentiality at all times, and not to discuss the patient’s condition with anyone other than the Gloucester House’s Health and Safety Advisor(s) (Head Teacher) or the Emergency Services.
- Maintain the highest practicable level of cleanliness whenever treating a patient.
- Maintain a record of all patients treated, no matter how trivial, and to submit such records in line with the Gloucester House’s Policy.
- First Aiders should inform their line manager that their training certification period is nearing (6 months minimum) expiry.
Responsibilities of First Aid Co-ordinators
It is the First Aid Co-ordinator’s role to assist the Head Teacher to meet their responsibilities for first aid by:
- Familiarising themselves with this Policy.
- Regularly assess and report back the Gloucester House’s first aid requirements.
- Regularly carry out an audit to ensure that the first aid boxes contain the minimum supplies which are required under law. (Only specified supplies will be kept).
- Regularly check that the appropriate lists and signs show the location of first aid equipment, facilities and first aid personnel are updated and displayed in conspicuous places.
- Liaising with line manager on any advice or training required for the Gloucester House.
- Receiving requests from First Aiders to order replacement provisions. Having checked that it is a suitable order, then, forward the order to the Head Teacher.
- Ensuring a list of allergies for children and employees are kept and updated in the allergy book. Ensure a list of medication administered and required is kept and updated in the medication book.
They should have access to contact details/DOB of all persons at Gloucester House and their next of kin.
Responsibilities of Head Teacher and Health and Safety Officer at the Tavistock Centre.
The above have the following responsibilities to:
- Identify the nature of activities within the Gloucester House and review first aid requirements as processes, staff or the environment changes;
- Determine the number of First Aiders to appoint by taking into consideration:
- absence of First Aiders due to commitments, holidays and sickness;
- Consider the “suitability” of the First Aider as this person may have to treat someone:
- suffering a heart attack;
- suffering from an epileptic fit;
- who is bleeding profusely;
- Consider the “capability” of the persons they nominate and/or persons who volunteer.
- Nominate a First Aid Coordinator and inform the Health The Headteacher will then liaise with the First Aid Coordinator.
- Ensure that there are adequate supplies of and financial provisions for first aid equipment.
- Identify if Gloucester House presents special/unusual hazards
- e.g. DT lessons; then ensure any additional and specific training in first aid treatments. Where identified liaise with the Health and Safety Unit when training is required and/or renewal training.
- Keep current records of training and expiry dates for First Aiders.
- Inform staff at the Gloucester House of arrangements which have been made for first aid and keep them suitably appraised of any changes. These arrangements should be contained within staff and pupils induction (preferably carried out on their first day at the Gloucester House);
- Ensure that visitors to Gloucester House are aware of how to summon first aid assistance (school office administrators).
First aid boxes
The Tavistock and Portman Clinic provide Gloucester House with first aid boxes.
If a person requires the use of any provisions held within a first aid box, then they should contact their nearest First Aider. There are two main first aid boxes, one located in the main office and one in the staff room.
All boxes will contain the minimum supplies which are required by law:
Item | Quantity |
medium dressings | 8 |
large dressings | 4 |
extra-large dressings | 4 |
eye pads | 4 |
triangular bandages | 6 |
Plasters (assorted) | 20 |
safety pins | 1 |
alcohol free wipes | 1 |
mouth guard | 2 |
Sterile saline 500ml | 2 |
Eye irrigation where mains tap water is not available and/or there is a risk of injury to the eye.
We will ensure that:
- the first aid box is clean and adequately stocked.
- the first aid box contains the approved first aid materials and nothing else and that any damaged, open or expired materials are disposed of in the appropriate manner.
- the first aid box is accessible at all times.
Off Site Visits or Portable First Aid Kits:
During off site visits a portable first aid kit is provided and a named first aider is nominated and will attend the off-site visit. (See OSVP & RAP).
Examples of these circumstances include: visits to museums/galleries, sports day, visits to the park, etc.
The portable box will contain the following:
Item | Quantity |
medium dressings | 6 |
large dressings | 2 |
extra-large dressings | 3 |
eye pads | 2 |
triangular bandages | 6 |
Plasters | 20 |
safety pins | 6 |
alcohol free wipes | 10 |
mouth guards | 2 |
sterile saline 500ml | 2 |
All accidents that have occurred off-site must be recorded in the Accident Book upon return to the Gloucester House. If an injury is incurred then an incident report should be completed in accordance with our Health and Safety Policy. In addition, accidents occurring on a third party’s site should be reported with the arrangements applying at that site.
First aid/recovery room
This is located on the ground floor and is known as the “Parent/Carer’s Room”. It has easy access to the toilet and is a place where a person “can be ill with dignity.” There is also access to running water and a sink in the room. It complies with the standards set out by the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.
Cleaning of bodily fluids
Staff should wear gloves when cleaning bodily fluids. A ‘body fluid disposable kit’ is also available in the school office. Staff should also ensure they wash their hands before and after such treatment.
Recording of accidents
All accidents are recorded. Some accidents are also recorded as incidents and these are also recorded online via the Trusts Quality portal. Parent/ Carers will be informed of accidents either by phone or in writing detailing the nature of the accident, treatment given, by whom and the time and date of incident. Employees should also record accidents to themselves in the accident Book (which is located in the staffroom).
Where an accident results in a person being taken to hospital, or if the accident affects the staff members ability to continue to their duties or if he/she subsequently becomes absent from the Gloucester House as a result of the accident then the following should be notified immediately by the quickest method, i.e. telephone, e-mail.
- Line manager; and/or
- Head Teacher
- Health and Safety Manager at the Tavistock Centre
Accidents that would constitute a call for an ambulance would be:
- If a person was not conscious.
- Was not breathing.
- Was incoherent after a knock to the head.
- Was unable to move following an injury.
- If a first aider/ doctor deemed it necessary.
Accidents that are also serious incidents
There are times when accidents can also be serious incidents. These are reported on an Incident Report form which are available in the main school office and staff room. It is the responsibility of employees to complete a serious incident report form as soon as possible after the incident has occurred. Where the injured person is unable to complete their own details of the accident, then the First Aider in attendance and/or witness (where relevant) should enter details on the injured person’s behalf. However, it is the responsibility of the Line manager, Head Teacher to ensure that all employees of the Gloucester House are aware of the procedure for reporting of accidents. (See Health and Safety Policy.).
Procedure for completed incident forms
- An incident form should be completed and submitted using the online quality portal system which is monitored by senior staff at Gloucester House and automatically passed on to the Health and Safety Advisor at the Tavistock Centre. Patterns and data regarding incidents are compiled to the weekly monitoring spreadsheet which is circulated to all Gloucester House staff.
- The Health and Safety Advisor monitors incidents and meets at regular intervals with the RMC (Risk Management Committee) This may require them to communicate with the injured person and/or witnesses for further information.
- The Health and Safety Advisor will then consider if appropriate steps have been taken and will advise accordingly to the Head Teacher.
Appendix 1 – First Aid Poster