Gloucester House Outreach team are out and about implementing the Gloucester House model in a range of diverse settings in the community. They do not have a set classroom like most conventional school settings. So we have dedicated this space on our blog for a virtual display.
This week: J’s Enterprise Project
We saw J for 1:1 outreach education for 4 years. When we started work with him he was 12 years old. He found it hard to focus on anything we provided for him during education sessions and often couldn’t complete a piece of work as he was too dysregulated. Over the years, and with support from the adults around him including us, J learnt to regulate enough that he could focus more on his education. He told us he wanted to be a clothes designer so we embarked on a design enterprise project.
J started by experimenting with printing using different media and techniques. He then created his unique design and logo on the computer, putting his stamp onto the world of design. We found a young entrepreneur who was just setting up his own printing company and we wanted to support his business. We found some funding and asked this entrepreneur to print J’s design onto hoodies, t-shirts, caps and face-masks. Above is a photo of a hoodie and face-mask with J’s design on. This project took 2 and a half years and J worked through those frustrating moments when it seemed everything was going wrong! He persevered with it and is very proud of the end product.
At 16 years old, J has now graduated from Gloucester House Outreach Service and is going to college. He is very proud of his design and the products he has created and will now have a go at selling his merch-good luck, J!